Our governing board has overall responsibility for the running of the school. Governors work closely with the school leadership team and staff to plan improvement strategies to make Hob Hill the best school it can be.
The governing board is made up of parents and staff, as well as Church, community and local authority representatives.
If you would like more information about our governing board, please contact:
- Mrs Vickie Roberts, Chair of Governors
- Mrs Lisa Gallear, Staff Governor (Bursar)
They can be contacted via the school office.
The governing board meets five times per year. There are also separate committees for Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Pay, Appeals and Headteacher Performance Management, which meet half-termly or as required. Minutes of full governing board meetings can be found below. A copy of our 'instrument of government', which details the constitution of our governing board, can be found here.
Click here to access Governor Hub
Our Governing Board
Name |
Category |
Appointed By |
Term | Committees | Roles | Attendance* | Declarations# |
Anna Ambrose | Local Authority | Local Authority |
15.04.21- 23.04.25 |
Curriculum & Standards (Chair) |
Chair EYFS Link |
5/6 | None |
Vacancy | Foundation |
Ex-officio (Methodist) |
Jon Dunning | Co-opted parent | Governing Board |
09.04.24-08.04.28 |
Finance Pay |
1/1 | None | |
Alison Ely | Foundation | Methodist |
07.11.23-06.11.27 |
Finance HT Appraisal |
Safeguarding | 0/1 | None |
Lisa Gallear | Staff | Staff Election | 12.10.24 -11.10.28 |
Finance |
5/6 |
None | |
Roz Jones | Foundation |
Ex-officio (Church of England) |
14.03.23 - 13.03.27 |
Curriculum & Standards |
Health, Safety & Wellbeing |
5/6 | None |
Sally Ncube | Co-opted Staff | Governing Board | 30.11.21-29.11.25 |
Curriculum & Standards |
5/6 | Husband has provided music workshops in school | |
Ben Preston | Headteacher | Appointment | 01.09.20-01.09,24 |
Finance Curriculum & Standards |
6/6 | Was taken to Cricket Test Match by Progressive Sports who provide coaching services in school. | |
Vickie Roberts | Co-opted Parent | Governing Board | 25.03.24 - 24.03.28 |
Finance (Chair)
Acting Vice Chair Pupil Premium |
6/6 | None |
Grant Stokes | Parent | Parent Election | 31.01.22-30.01.26 |
Pay |
English Link |
5/5 | None |
Mat Walker | Co-opted | Governing Board | 30.11.21-29.11.25 |
Curriculum & Standards HT Appraisal |
Prevent Website |
5/6 | None |
Kaymarie Ward | Parent | Parent Election | 31.01.22-30.01.26 |
Pay |
Mathematics Link |
4/6 | None |
*Attendance during the last 12 months of the governor's term of office.
#Declarations of any financial or business interests that might affect their role.
Autumn 1 - 07.11.2023
Autumn 2 - 04.12.2023
Spring 1 - 20.02.2024
Spring 2 - 09.04.2024
Summer 1 - 20.05.2024
Summer 2 - 04.07.2024