Our Vision
The study of Design and Technology at Hob Hill Primary School has been developed with our school motto of ‘Flourish and Achieve as Unique Creations of God’ . It aims to inspire children to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle though ideation, creation and evaluation. Our children will develop their resilience by taking risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners, who evaluate their work and the work of others, to embody our school’s learning behaviours. As the children progress through school, they will gain a deeper understanding of how Design and Technology has shaped history. They will become resourceful, enterprising individuals who will have the foundations to contribute to future design advancements within an ever-changing world.
Online Gallery
Curriculum Statement
Pupil Voice
What have you enjoyed during Design and Technology week?
"I really enjoyed learning about light technology when creating my card because I love everything TECHNOLOGY." - Charlie Larch Class
"I loved using circuits to power the LEDs!" - Mia Larch Class
"I liked the design process as I love to draw different ideas." - Jenson Larch Class
Supporting Documents
Curriculum Pathways
Home Projects
For more KS1 units, please visit:
Design & Technology lessons for Key Stage 1 students - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
For more KS2 units, please visit:
Design & Technology lessons for Key Stage 2 students - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)