Geography Vision
The study of geography at Hob Hill is based on ensuring all our children 'flourish and achieve as unique creations of God'. Geography involves our pupils in exploring the relationship and interactions between people and the environments in which they live and upon which they depend. Many of the pupils will encounter opportunities and challenges within their lifetime that will be very much about geography - personal, local, national and global. From adapting and mitigating the impact of climate change and predicting natural hazards such as tsunami and earthquakes, to understanding the causes and effects of population migration around the world, our pupils will need to know about geography and to think like geographers.
Learning geography will help our pupils to prepare themselves for the 21st century. Our curriculum at Hob Hill will:
- Stimulate pupil's interest in their understanding and the rich variety of human and physical conditions on the earth's surface.
- Foster pupil's awe and wonder of the world around them.
- Help pupils develop an informed concern about the environment.
- Develop skills of critical enquiry and develop technical vocabulary.
- Study a range of places, cultures and environments both locally and globally.
- Foster a sense of understanding about how all peoples and their communities around the world are interconnected and interdependent.
- Help build our pupil's essential knowledge, understanding and cultural capital through regular fieldwork.
Supporting Documents
Curriculum Statement for Geography Long Term Overview Cycle 2
Long Term Overview Cycle 1 Pathway Cycle 2
Pathway Cycle 1 Medium Term Plan Cycle 2
Medium Term Plan Cycle 1 Quality First Teaching and SEND
Geography in Action